gif to png converter
GIF image converter in PNG
Dateien ziehen und ablegen
(maximum 30 images and maximum 50 Mb)
(maximum 30 images and maximum 50 Mb)
How to convert gif to png
Download GIF images
Download GIF files from your computer by clicking the Download Files button or specify links to files from another site. You can select GIF files to convert to PNG from Google Drive and DropBox cloud services.
Adjust the converter
After downloading the files, you can set the percentage of quality of the finished PNG files after conversion. The lower the percentage, the lower the quality and the smaller the finished PNG file after conversion. Rotate the images, if necessary, by clicking the Rotate icon on the preview of the image files.
Download ready PNG
You can download all files at once in the ZIP archive by clicking the "Download All" button or download finished PNG files individually.
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