Compress jpg and reduce size

Optimizing JPG image sizes online
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How to compress jpg photos

1. Add JPG files

Drag and drop the required JPG files or download using the Download Files button on your device. Specify a link from another site or select files from cloud storage. Download size is limited to 50 MB.

2. Optimize JPG photo size

In photo preview cards, adjust the image JPG size you want. The default is 80%. When adjusting compression, you need to know that the higher the quality level, the larger the JPG file size. In the edit window, turn the photo by clicking on the corresponding icon.

3. Download the finished JPG image

After compressing jpg files without loss of quality, the "Download Everything" button becomes active. Click the button to download the finished files to the ZIP archive. You can individually download each optimized file in the preview cards.

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