jpg to webp converter online
(maximum 30 images and maximum 50 Mb)

How to convert jpg to webp online

Select JPG files from your computer, cloud services, or
specify links to automatically download from another site or server. Files to
convert to WEBP online can be dragged from your computer directly to the page.
Please wait while the file preview is downloaded and generated.

Adjust the
compression quality of finished WEBP after conversion, rotate images if
necessary or adjust the quality of individual files by clicking on the file
preview card. The higher the percentage, the better the quality of the finished
file and the less compression. The size of the finished WEBP file is shown on
the preview cards.

WEBP files can be downloaded all at once in ZIP format by clicking on the
"Download all" button or individually by pressing on the
"Download" button in the preview card.